

[ibunka 2006]Oct 10 in Taiwan

  I am very sorrow when I post this artical. Because I have joined some of politic activities, by the way, I have a lot of photos, videos, and musics about the politicking.

  Maybe we have image from the BBC's title "Angry island". Why the people in the island is angry? Because the money politics, or "black gold". Oct 10, the fastival af our country, but we can't feel the bonhomie this year. That night I didn't go home, I slept on the street. So I could tell you what happened that night.

  The masses occupy the street at 11 o'clock, so the police besiege tham and blockaded the street. The masses started to sing the song "Fallen-Red-Flower". The police saw the masses dared to die, so thay choose fall back. And the leader of police persuade and exhort masses go home to rest, but they just shout catchword.

  At 12 o'clock, the leader af masses make a deal with mayor. So we have to let the car can be passed, some of the masses thaught that thay were cheated. So the masses fought each other, I shouted "My best friends, calm down" again and again untill everyone shouted with me in ground. But thay insiste to stay there, they didn't want to concede anymore.

  The police came back at 4 o'clock, but a lot of persons still slept. So I woke up my friends and else near me. Some of masses said that they would insist there untill the police arrested them. When the police hold a shield and walked to them, they actually run to the pathway.

  Could you know why I feel sarrow now? Walk to the Taipei Train Station, what we can see now? How many people will remember that night? How long we could destroy carpetbagger? I have no answer, do you?

[ibunka 2006]My school life

  My school life is not intresting as you thaught, because I have to handle a lot of situations which can't be predicted. Maybe now you can guess that I am a leader in my class. So I have to said before that I am not a man who want be famous.

  Someone have told me that being a leader is lucky, because I can learn a lot of things that is others don't. But we all know that the leader should take responsibility. If you did't do your job well, you will be blamed by teachers and classmates. Even it is not your fault.

  In the end of my article, I want to tell you a joke about my school life. We have a very bed teacher who come to our school this year. One day we have a tug-of-war, our department had won the champ for three years. The game's held time is at her class, I ask her to let us join tje game. But she denied because it is her time to teach. So I meet the leader of department, and tell him the truth. At last, I was blamed that I have no competence be a leader of class by such as teacher.Wasn't it a joke?


My Favroiet Retreat

  My favoite retreat is parks. When I fell sarrow I usually take a wolk in the park. I can relax myself by listening to the bird sing and y watching the beautiful flowers there.

  When I have troubles,I will go there to let me calm down and think how or what I coud do. Fortunately, I always soothed myself and find solution to the troubls. I will go there when I fiish a big job. Because I always felt very tired, I can see the children play in the park or talk with the old man. It often let me learn a lesson, and I can find a new target o focus my efort on so my favorite retreat is parks.

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  If I won two million dollars in the lottery. I would help whoever neds my help. So I need to set up a foundation to manage the money. I will find some volunteers who understand ecnomic and social problems clearly.

  By there help, I think the money that is from the lottery will help more person. Why I want to set up a foundation, instead of giving money directly to men in need? I think the person who works for pay is not volunteer, the part of the money will pay for tham. And they may not understand who will ned the money. If you didn't know the social problems, how could you use the money to help? Thoes are reasons why I want o set up a foundation.

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  人,一生在世,受到許許多多紛亂干擾,難免不知所措,感到茫然。而我活了十八個年頭,一直困擾我的就是外在的物質、虛浮的名利。我雖會背「不以物傷性」,也會寫「盡其在我」。可<font color="red">是</font><font color="#cccccc">,</font>我依然無法放下執著。有對愛情的堅持,更有生命<font color="red">的</font>失意<font color="#cccccc">的失落</font>,而這份茫然就這樣一點一點吞噬我。

  直到有一天,我邂逅了她。她<font color="green">教我看遍人間大起大落,千金散盡還復來,在她的面前,我的淚珠過於廉價。</font>她曾假與村言的告訴我:寶玉看破紅塵出家;她問我:名利是什麼?為什麼他能放棄,了無牽掛?

  終究,離別的笙歌響起,我輕撫著,想著她的每一句話。漸漸的,我從那<font color="green">形而上的牢籠脫困</font>,對愛情的執著也被放下了;而名利,則不知在我遊哪一座山<font color="red">,</font>玩哪裡的水時,不慎弄丟。

  然而,對生命的不如意仍無法忘懷,在一個特別的午後我遇見了她。沒有絢麗的外表的她,讓智慧之光顯的更為亮眼,我看著她,莊嚴而敬畏的,她則帶我一次又一次的探索<font color="green">西藏上師‧索甲仁波切的智慧。</font>

  我曾問上師:「世界上唯一不變的就<font color="green">無常</font>,那我爭什麼?」他笑而不語,然而我卻從他的笑容裡看透生死,穿越了千世萬代。


<font color="red">老師評語:「人」、「書」、「語」要分清。</font>